I had nothing better to do. I have been reading Barron's GRE wordlists and I keep getting astounded by the sheer number of words I have never come across. So I here's an article that contains numerous words from the first 4 word lists of Barron. If you have gone through wordlists 1 to 4, it could be great practice to read the article and recollect the meaning you have mugged up so far. ;) [At some places I might have tried too hard to insert a word from the list, it might be fairly obvious]. I hope some of you might find it useful. I've bolded the words from the list to make it easier for you guys ;)

Do comment if you liked it. I'll think of writing more such articles.


A long time ago, there was a kingdom far-far away from everywhere. The very existence of this secret land was known to but oh so precious few and the much aggrandized aestheticism of the kingdom was whispered from ear-to-ear as allegories of the time. The aborigines named this mystical land 'B Wing' or Beta-Wing (They were inspired by Sci-Fi would be my guess).

Over this great land ruled the mighty Virus (yes, mighty in every aspect). He was an amulet to the citizens, and in their own amorous fashion, they had adorned him with an appellation that was to serve as an allusion to the ardor they had for him. "Arbiter" they called him and it was an apotheosis in itself. He was seen as the bearer of peace, the messiah as it were. He was ever willing to absolve mistakes if he was convinced it was adventitious.

Into this kingdom that was agog with happiness and joy, came Bhand. He had absconded from the abutting village and he had abstruse adulation for the kingdom that lay beyond the realm of his own. It wasn't as if he hadn't been admonished about the dangers that may lie in entering the kingdom in the dead of the night. Many a friend had grown tired of adjuration. Despite the ambivalence, Bhand decided to chance his arm and steal into the borders of Virus's empire. The tales he had heard were too alluring to resist. For you see, Bhand live in a 'dry' village, if you know what I mean.

Walking quickly, he stopped at a bar near an apothecary's signboard. Cancer was tending the bar, cleaning up some ancillaries at the end of an arduous day. Bhand strode up to the counter and slammed his fist on the table. Cancer turned around, rather surprised at the anachronism of the visitor.
"Dont just f**k around" shouted Bhand amok. "Hand me a beer you cheap bartender!"
Cancer raised an eyebrow at the animadversion but said nothing and slid a bottle across the counter.
Bhand spoke nothing until his thirst was assuaged. Askance, he thumped the bottle back on the table. Assaying Cancer with an apathetic eye, he asked for another round. Cancer was used to such abusive behavior. For a moment he abstained himself, but then spoke as he handed the stranger another beer.

"From what I apprehend, you don't seem to be from this town."

"Well I am, you may have never seen me, yeh filthy scum."

Cancer was perhaps affronted by this acrimonious attitude. Maybe it was time to show this stranger that people could see through his artifice. People of this kingdom were far from asinine.

"What's with the antagonism?" , asked Cancer once Bhand's heavy huffing and puffing had abated. "It is you who is in an abject condition. You would do well to be altruistic."

"I don't need any of your wisdom, thank you. You can do well to hand me another beer with some alacrity. Its the only anodyne I need."

"Are you an anarchist or something?"

"Nay. Far from it. You could call me an apostate" said Bhand between hiccups.

Cancer was apprehensive of Bhand's state as he consumed one beer after another. Maybe at the apogee of the night, this man could be far from ambulatory. The amoral had to be done.

"Just get up and leave. You are getting too drunk and its too late in the night." said Cancer, who seemed to have abdicated his duties and was now sitting on a stool himself. "It's not that I abhor you, but I think I have to abrogate you for today."

With a rather weary nod, Bhand disappeared through the arcade and into the sleepy night.


PS: Of course, I couldn't cover all the words, there were too many. But I've tried to leave out only those words that are fairly common in our vocabulary.

6 Response to "GREat"

  • m@estro Says:

    the story is not as interesting as ur previous ones(Becks pawn SEN etc)..but the wordings and their placement is astute!! plzz continue the work for remaining word lists also!!!

  • Dhruv Says:

    gr8 effort thr.. but on a serious note, many of the words used here have been used improperly.. pls check the dictionary.. for instance, affable is grossly incorrect where used; amorous, apprehend(shud b comprehend here), and several others.. so pls dont mug up the wrong usages as that might prove suicidal :)

  • The PoPe Says:

    @ M@estro : Thanks, I will try my best to keep writing. Hard to come up with a great storyline though ;)

    @ Dhruv : Thanks for bringing that to my notice ... I have corrected the usage of affable. But amorous can also mean 'with great love' (not necessarily lust and apprehend is synonymous with comprehend :) ..
    Do tell me if there is anything wrong though ... This effort is so that we don't restrict ourselves to mugged up meanings ...

  • Abhiyank Says:

    nice way of mugging the huge list of words. i think this the best way one can rattafy that boring list. it will help you as well as readers in their prep. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! (Y)

  • Reema Says:

    lol.. quite funny
    btw i would love it if u share ur word list with me too :D

  • Anonymous Says:

    Not to hurt your sentiments, but LOL ! :P Dude seems like i gotta shift sooner and keep you away from Barons as much as possible :)

    On a serious note, definitely a good try (Y)

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