
"Kya?!", he exclaims, "you haven't applied for it?!" A couple of passers-by slow down their strides to have a better look.

"I am not taking the eLitmus test." I said again, this time with a bit more composure. My friend's mouth was oscillation between open and shut with remarkable regularity. Finally, he shuddered himself back to his senses. "Theek hai yaar, whatever pleases you."

I've always been scared of exams. My sentiment may not be reflected all over my score-cards, but there has always been something about tests that have bothered me. I try my best to be normal, in my defense, but sooner than later, I give up. The sole reason - Linearization. Linearization is , of course, the breaking down of any quantity into numerical values. The concept that anything and everything can be broken down to digits. An exam is nothing more than a living, running example of the same.

What may be weeks of studying, or months of understanding, or days of hard work, it all comes down to a single two-digit integer that gets etched in stone. Institutes, employers, and even your relatives associate you with the number. You score less, you have no say. The AIEEE rank, the JEE score, the GRE score are your only attributes. The professional world recognizes you by these numbers, establishes your identity.

Man's biggest fear is to be controlled by another man. It is when you have suffered the ultimate loss - the loss of your identity. In that crazy futuristic world, all men would wear the same (generally silver) costume, and be identified by a bunch of numbers. Call me paranoid, but how different is it now?

It sucks to know that your abilities are being measured against a scale. That there is a delusion called 'merit'. That the word 'potential' is grossly overused and underutilized. That the greatest destruction caused by man - the destruction of identity, has come to be out of the most trivial invention of mankind - the numerical scale.

1 Response to "eLitmus"

  • chandu Says:

    lol sucks man that u don't like to be measured. Then how come u play dota where how u play is measured by ur kills and deaths :P any way dude u can't help it and if u become a industrialist I am coming to u for a job with high package with out my certificate and a copy of this blog.:sulk:

    Nice blog.

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