blaDE for PM

The general elections are around the corner. Mr. Advani, as you know, is already in full flow with his campaign. Part of his slogan is right - The world is looking for a new icon, a leader of men, someone who can take things into his hand and turn them on their head. Where does the world find such a hero?

As a self-proclaimed campaign advisor, campaign propagator and campaign initiator for blaDE, I present to you seven reasons why you should vote for blaDE to be PM.

Reason 1: Age factor

Lets start with a very trivial and basic reason just to get readers in the flow of things.

blaDE is [or looks like he is] old enough to a PM. But, he is also young enough to make a fuss about little things in life and throw tantrums all over the place. Beautifully balanced.

Reason 2: Public presence

Haven't you noticed? blaDE is everywhere. He is at his room, at the cafe, at the RC, at the galla and at the football field all at the same time. There is barely a person on campus who does not recognize his face [not to mention his voice].

Reason 3: Influence among youth

blaDE is at his dynamic best whenever there is entry of new youth into our campus [admission time of course]. Year after year, he has spread his influence among unwary youth who fall unsuspectingly into his trap.

As a result, he never has had any dearth of fresh followers [although they don't last too long].

Reason 4: Leadership qualities

blaDE is, no doubt, one of the leading leaders leading on campus. He led his humanities group in his very first year, and our professor was so impressed with his leadership qualities that he bestowed an A upon him.

Oh, if that wasn't enough, blaDE is the new dynamic leader of the NPG party.

Reason 5: Off-the-roof thinking

[You might be wondering what off-the-roof means ...]

All of us have heard blaDE's banter at some point of time. But those unfortunate souls who have actually bothered to listen to what he says, will realize the truth in my words. You do feel like pushing him off a roof.

Reason 6: Efforts

blaDE tries.

But the problem is, he would have already said too much. So, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, a lot more is said than what is actually done.

Reason 7: PING!

That's right.

If there is any trouble brewing anywhere, on campus of off, you can count on blaDE. He will bring the trouble [and the troublemaker] to his knees with a 36,000 [yes, a 36,000!] kilobyte ping packet.

The decision is yours, and the power is in your hands. So is the future of our campus. You can make a difference. If there is to be change, you can be the trigger. Do what you must. Vote for blaDE !

[PS: How you decipher PM is upto you. My personal favorite (that was suggested to me) is Pingy M***c***]

Kudos, and long live India.

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